? 有交換學生經驗,想繼續留在美國升學的學生
? 有出國遊學經驗,希望提早去美國升學的人
最近有一個媽媽詢問,他的小孩準備要升高三,個性實在不適合台灣的填鴨式教育,所以有考慮之後去美國念大學,既然已經打算想送小孩出國,那高三這一年在台灣拚考試好像也沒有什麼意義,所以來問問Emma 不知道現在有什麼樣的選擇,可以提供給他們參考,因為既然沒有想要升學,就不想浪費時間念高三課業,覺得這時間來好好念英文都比較有幫助,但一方便又擔心,什麼都還沒有開始準備托福SAT,現在才想出去唸書還來得及嗎? 對於這樣的孩子,Emma可以建議先到Kings Education 拿取美國高中文憑完成課程The High School Completion Program (HSCP) ,這個課程是為16歲以上學生進入美國大學做好準備短期課程,學生可以利用三個月時間,拿到高中的文憑證明,之後可以直接銜接美國大一。高中文憑先拿到,就可以計劃語言的加強,不論是在台灣好好考托福,或是出國念語言學校準備都可以,順利的話,還可能比同儕提前半年以上畢業,直接銜接美國大一課程。現在也有提供高二可以就讀的高中文憑完成課程,有需要的請洽Emma喔!!!

美國高中文憑課程The High School Completion Program (HSCP) 是為16歲以上學生進入美國大學做好準備的課程。如果你高中還未畢業,又打算盡快進入美國大學學習。那麼這就是為你量身定做的課程– 位於美國大學校園內的美國高中文憑課程。該課程包括學術英語模塊及在線學術課程模塊,入讀學生將修得足夠的學術學分,並獲得高中畢業證書。這課程小班制教學,一班人數不超過15人,確保每個學生都能得到老師的關照。
– 已決定出國升學,不會在台灣考學測而且想儘早出發的學生
– 有交換學生經驗,想繼續留在美國升學的學生
– 有出國遊學經驗,希望提早去美國升學的人
* 以上為CSU-Fullerton銜接範例
- 英語要求: 托福iBT61 (波士頓&洛杉磯校區);托福iBT80 (紐約校區); (語言未達標,需參加學術英語課程GO: Prepared)
- 學術要求: 高2畢業且GPA2.0(洛杉磯校區); GPA2.5 (波士頓&紐約校區)
- 最低入學年齡: 16
- 高中文憑課程與大學課程需在同一校區進行.
開學時間: 1月,3月,6月,9月 (每年開課日期略有不同,請洽Emma)
課程總長度: 3個月(1學期) 即可銜接美國大一課程
- 波士頓松堡學院 Pine Manor College: https://www.kingseducation.com/us-uni/go-100/start-in-boston
- 加州州立大學富勒度頓分校 CSU-Fullerton分校 : https://www.kingseducation.com/us-uni/go-100/start-in-california-100
- College of Mount Saint Vincent: https://www.kingseducation.com/us-uni/go-100/start-in-new-york/start-at-mount-saint-vincent-100
Kings高中文憑完成課程與Penn Foster高中(PFHS)合作。Penn Foster成立於1890年,是世界上最大型的認證線上高中課程,目前在全美50州有超過5萬名學生註冊。
Penn Foster高中線上課程同時獲得區域及全國認證。區域認證: Middle States Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools; 全國認證: AdvancED & Distance Education Accrediting Commission
Penn Foster 高中在賓夕法尼亞州註冊
美國高中文憑課程由學術準備模塊 University Preparation Program 及學術課程科目模塊 The Academic Syllabus 組成。學術準備模塊包含英語語言及托福課程,全面訓練學生學術英語水平,達到大一學習要求。學術課程科目模塊,包含了一系列學術科目,以在線互動方式授課。高中成績被確認評估後,你需要至少修滿5.5學分,以獲得高中文憑。
1. 學術準備模塊 University Preparation Program
每週15小時,該模塊具有強化性, 為本科學位課程學習而設計, 包含一系列英語語言,托福準備及學術技巧科目, 課程大綱循序漸進。
2. 學術科目模塊 The Academic Syllabus
核心科目(16.5學分) Orientation 課程入門(0.5 學分) | 選修科目(5學分) 從以下科目中選5門: Music 音樂(1 學分) |
Mengyuan Li 同學分享念完大一後,成功轉學到康乃爾大學
Mengyuan Li from China has recently achieved the fantastic accolade of being offered a place to transfer to Ivy League Cornell University. Currently ranked 15th in the whole of the US, it is a fantastic university that will offer her the ideal place to study her intended major – Food Science.
We caught up with her to find out more.
Hi Mengyuan. What college will you study at, and what degree course have you been accepted to do?
I’ve been accepted to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Cornell University to major in Food Science.
Did you always know you wanted to go to Cornell, and what were your main reasons for applying?
Yes. Because when I did my research in my first semester, Cornell is the only school in the ivy league that doesn’t require SAT for transfer students, and it has a fairly high acceptance rate of transfer students. I want to major in chemistry based major. The food science program in Cornell is probably the strongest program among U.S.
How did the team at Kings help with your transfer for Cornell?
The Kings team helped me revise my application essays.
How would you describe the summer you spent at Cornell?
I would like to say that all the pains will be rewarded. I spent two months, taking General Chemistry One and Two. Those two months were filled with intense course work, and I experienced what a normal Cornell student would have experienced. Though it was stressful and I felt my life was too monotonous, looking back now, I realize that, without those two months’ hard work, I wouldn’t be so confident about going to Cornell.
What are you most looking forward to about starting at Cornell?
I wish I could blend into the community, focus on my study, and most importantly, have some fun!
Do you have any idea what you’d like to do after you finish your degree?
I will probably further explore food engineering, and end up going to a food company.
Do you have any advice for other students who would like to apply to Cornell?
Don’t waste time preparing SAT if you didn’t take it before. Instead, they should put emphasis on GPA, TOEFL score, and other extracurricular activities. If time is permitted, they can also take some summer courses there. Choosing the course that they have confidence in or is required by their future majors will be a better choice.
How would you describe your experience at Kings and do you have advice for other students considering Kings’ on campus program?
The Kings program is quite helpful because you can reach advisors anytime you want. But you need to take the initiative with your transfer plan and make it as soon as possible. Once the plan is made, act it out sturdily.