退伍軍官遊學舊金山,重新定義未來的人生旅程!By Peace「Talk English School San Francisco」閱讀更多
Emma遊學代辦生Sherry Chen上班族停職半年赴波士頓遊學,美國無薪企業實習投資自己,只有努力才有幸運(Stafford House波士頓)閱讀更多
Emma遊學代辦生Sherry Chen上班族停職半年赴波士頓遊學,美國無薪企業實習投資自己,只有努力才有幸運(Stafford House波士頓)
舊金山遊學,參加BMW企業實習&選修專案管理證書(Project Management)課程,增加講英文學習英文機會 by Steven [語言學校Stafford House]閱讀更多
Emma代辦心得文: Jenny EC舊金山遊學記 [2017/7/1-2018/1/15]-(舊金山EC)閱讀更多
NESE遊學心得Joe: 最熱門波士頓遊學學校選擇,學生認可最優質之波士頓語言學校NESE [波士頓語言學校NESE]閱讀更多
有任何問題馬上LINE詢問,Emma都能迅速解惑! 這點真的很棒!
Emma代辦生Rebecca心得: San Diego Intrax & SDSU 聖地牙哥心得-不想回台灣-遊學/留學/閱讀更多
[美國遊學] 漫步跳舞到聖地牙哥遊學,大力推薦遊學代辦Emma by Amy(Stafford House聖地牙哥遊學)閱讀更多
Diana洛杉磯遊學心得,Kings LA好萊塢最棒的遊學生活體驗,推薦遊學代辦AceEmma閱讀更多
ACP商業證書課程,UCI是美國OPT的最佳選擇~~加州大學爾灣附設語言學校(University of California, Irvine,簡稱UCI-ACP)閱讀更多
美國遊學推薦波士頓NESE,專心念書的好選擇 by Kelly [語言學校NESE]閱讀更多
找AceEmma遊學代辦讓你首次溫哥華遊學就上手&加拿大遊學實用app分享 By Peggy(溫哥華ILSC)閱讀更多
It’s always a pleasure working with ACE! Emma is always responsive and commits to provide the best service to students.
Having worked with Ace Consulting Group for over 10 years, I can confidently recommend their services and in particular, Emma's expertise. Her students are well prepared for their international study experience and, consequently, they enjoy and benefit from their time at NESE. It is a sincere pleasure to work with such a professional organization!
“Ms. Chang provides professional and personalized service to her clients and to us here at UC San Diego Extension. She is an excellent communicator with a commitment to sharing the most up-to-date and accurate information with students. I would highly recommend Ace Consulting Group.”
Working with Emma is always a pleasure. The students are in good hands with ACES Studio and Tamwood international.
“I has been my pleasure to work with Emma Chang of ACE Consulting Group. She is one of the most dedicated representatives I know. She always has her students’ best interests at heart and continues to support them after they begin their studies. I highly recommend Emma.”
Emma is very professional and reliable and full of passion in her work. ACE is our valued agent in Taiwan.
Emma is a lovely person and passionate about her job. She always has her student's best interests at heart, and I would like to highly recommend Emma to be your agent.
It’s a pleasure to work with Emma as we are aware of her great reputation in Study Abroad Industry. We consider Emma to be professional in her work, and can confirm she adheres to the regulatory processes required in destination countries for overseas students. Emma is kept up to date with our programmes and services and can represent us accurately. I have no hesitation in recommending Emma as she has been a great partner for us!
Emma Chang is one of our longest standing agency partners in Taiwan and we regard her agency ACE as essential to supporting our students from Taiwan with everything they require to come and study at our school. Emma is incredibly knowledgeable, dedicated to her students and completely reliable. Emma really cares about her students and about their experience abroad and has helped Stafford House to improve our student experience and we are so grateful for our partnership.
Ms. Chang is efficient, detail-oriented and extremely competent in all aspects of her business. She ensures that all her students have accurate and detailed information regarding their visas, school policies, pertinent course and accommodation documentation prior to their departure from Taiwan. She also stays connected with them after departure and throughout their study abroad journey. I am happy to recommend the services of ACE Consulting Group without any reservations.
TALK Education Group is very pleased and proud to have ACE has a partner for many years. Emma Chang provides each of her students with all the necessary information so they can make the best decision for their future personal and professional development.