Larry是Emma去念EC邁阿密遊學的學生,去了一年,幫學校辦了很多活動,美好的回憶還留在EC網站上呢!!! 很特別的一年學習經驗^^
Emma鼓勵在外遊學的同學們,有機會就多多參加學校的活動,絕對是好的阿~~~甚至有些學校都會有實習機會,有機會就去實習看看,這是很難得機會喔![美國企業實習更多文章請關注TALK English和Stafford House]
Welcome everyone to our Taiwanese Cooking Class at EC English Center in Miami by our student ambassador from Taiwan!
Chunyen, also known as Larry is a Taiwanese. He would like to introduce his traditional food to our students from different nationalities. Even though most of our students came from Europe, they were so excited to learn how to cook Taiwanese dishes.
Larry started by few videos which gave to all participants some basic knowledge about the culture of Taiwan and Taiwanese foods. Taiwan is very famous by night markets. We can find all kind of foods from appetizers to desserts in those street markets. What Larry wanted to show us in his cooking class is the 2 most popular foods in Taiwan that you can easily find anywhere: dumplings and stir fried glass noodles. Larry showed everyone step by step of how to make and cook dumplings. After that, all students were given ingredients to practice and make dumplings by themselves. It was so fun since this is a first time they experience making dumplings. They did a good job though. Besides dumplings and stir fried glass noodles, Larry also prepared some bubble milk tea which is the most favorite drink in Taiwan for everyone to enjoy during waiting time. This is such a great opportunity for students to learn more about Taiwanese culture and cuisine.
Tel: 0935-052-597
TALK English: 全美一共七個美國校區,分級細緻一共10個Level,提供美國公司實習機會,一對一家教是最大賣點
Branda美國實習心得分享: 實習是學英文最好的方法, Stafford House-CPA (Career Preparation Activity)推薦文 [語言學校Stafford House]
芝加哥遊學Mei: 充電美國遊學學英文,選修美國實習和證書課程,精實美國學習 [芝加哥市介紹篇-2] [語言學校Stafford House]
舊金山遊學,參加BMW企業實習&選修專案管理證書(Project Management)課程,增加講英文學習英文機會 by Steven [語言學校Stafford House]
Emma代辦生River遊學心得: 樂不思蜀以及非常用功修商業證書課程的加拿大多倫多遊學記(ILSC 多倫多Toronto)
遊學心得Yun: 大學生暑假遊學舊金山一個月,推薦教學活潑語言學校EC [語言學校EC舊金山]