波士頓語言學校NESE遊學,提升英文寫作技巧的最佳選擇 – ACE留學遊學代辦


我在五年前就曾去過波士頓語言學校NESE遊學一個月,當時也是我第一次的出國遊學,選在了美 國,而我也結識了一些朋友。後來這段期間我還去了英國、澳大利亞等其他語言學 校,當作暑期度假,出了社會後覺得還有些是想完成,於是我思考了很久,決定還是 去波士頓半年,但我英文程度還是沒有很好,所以我依然選擇了NESE去增進我的英 語程度,而這次的經驗讓我再次熱愛這所學校。

EMMA也和我說過,如果要認真讀書 NESE是個不錯的選擇。也是我本身的目的。而經過了這半年,我認為我的決定是對 的!

因為我達到我想要的目標,和母語者溝通越來越流暢。此外我覺得波士頓也算相 對安全的地方,我不用擔心在外面會危險,很舒服的融入這個地方,假日在查理斯河邊慢跑真的很棒!宿舍也離學校不遠,附近還有亞洲超市,每個距離都剛剛好!所 以,如果是想認真學習英語的話,我非常推薦NESE,當然每天都會給你回家功課去 複習,不過我認為這樣才會快速的進步,老師們也時常提醒可以去外面多和其他人對 話,不管是同學或是去買東的店員,都能讓你更融入還有快速的去學習!也會有很多意想不到的收穫!之後我可能還會再打算回去NESE!我也推薦我很多朋友如果想去 學習的話,第一個就是推薦NESE!!!

我的遊學代辦EMMA也非常的專業,因為宿舍非常容易沒有空房(太多學生),不過我不用擔心,因為EMMA會幫你處理好哈哈,最後我想說, 這是我一個非常美好的經驗,我認識了很多朋友,老師也非常友善,在波士頓我不用 擔心危險,所以我推薦想遊學的都可以參考看看NESE:)

We’re so proud of your development, you’re always welcome here.????????????????

“I visited NESE for one month five years ago, and it was my first time studying abroad in the United States. During that time, I made some friends. Later on, I attended language schools in other countries like the UK and Australia for summer vacations. After joining the workforce, I still had some goals in mind. After much consideration, I decided to return to Boston for half a year. My English proficiency still needed improvement, so I chose NESE once again to enhance my language skills. This experience reaffirmed my love for this school.

The agency also told me that if I wanted to study seriously, NESE is a good choice, which aligns with my goals. After this half-year journey, I believe my decision was the right one. I achieved my objectives, and my communication with native speakers has become increasingly fluent. Additionally, I find Boston to be a relatively safe place. I don’t worry about danger while being out and about; I feel comfortable here. Running along the Charles River on weekends is wonderful! The dormitory is not far from the school, and there are Asian supermarkets nearby—everything is just right!

So, if you’re looking to study English seriously, I highly recommend NESE. Of course, you’ll have homework to review every day, but I believe that’s how you make rapid progress. The teachers often encourage you to converse with others outside, be it classmates or store clerks when shopping. This helps you integrate and learn quickly! There will also be many unexpected rewards! I might even consider returning to NESE in the future! I also recommend NESE to many friends who want to study. My first recommendation is always NESE!!! The agency is very professional too. Because there might not be available rooms in the dorms (there are so many students), but I don’t worry because EMMA will take care of it. Finally, I want to say that this has been a wonderful experience for me. I’ve made many friends, and the teachers are very friendly. In Boston, I don’t worry about safety, so I recommend anyone considering studying abroad to consider NESE.”

推薦波士頓遊學NESE,暑假遊學第一選擇,好老師好住宿營造美好遊學回憶 by Anderson[波士頓語言學校NESE]
Emma代辦生Winnie遊學心得: 選擇波士頓充滿學術氣息的城市,我的語言學校NESE地點方便老師認真,遊學東岸的第一首選 (NESE新英格蘭學院波士頓遊學)
NESE遊學心得Joe: 最熱門波士頓遊學學校選擇,學生認可最優質之波士頓語言學校NESE [波士頓語言學校NESE]
波士頓暑假遊學,推薦師資優良波士頓語言學校NESE by Debby [波士頓語言學校NESE]
Zoe波士頓短期遊學首推波士頓語言學校NESE [語言學校-新英格蘭英語學院NESE]
波士頓便宜語言學校TALK遊學推薦By Maggie [波士頓語言學校TALK]
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波士頓遊學半年,推薦遊學代辦三寶媽Emma,語言學校Stafford house課程詳細介紹 by Dolly [Stafford House波士頓]



Emma『配合學校免遊學代辦費,專幫學生找便宜優質語校』且『所有費用都是直接繳給學校,不經手任何費用,過程公開透明』,比自己申請更有保障也更省費用喔~~ Emma首創以『行動辦公室』為概念由『顧問配合學生時間&地點』,有別於代辦中心固定上下班時間,提供客製化服務。另提供行程諮詢規劃、便宜機票訂購、抵校後續服務。 Emma聯絡方式 email: [email protected]; 手機: 0935-052-597,Line ID: emmachang628