Emma代辦生Vicky心得文: 華人少地方遊學,短時間衝刺英文 (語言學校TLC-Fort Wayne)

Vicky是計畫要念研究所的學生,已經有考托福分數了,但是始終差那一點,在台灣的補習課程也都上完了,卻一直卡在門檻,所以決定要出國加強語言課程,選擇了很不熱門的語言學校TLC,跟很鄉下的地方Fort Wayne遊學,因為希望鄉下地方華人很少,能盡快提升英文能力,幸運的是,課程結束三個月後,也達到自己要的目標,恭喜你Vikcy,祝你的研究所課程順利喔^^ 



 在還沒來The language company之前,我希望自己到美國後英文變得更好,也可以交到許多新朋友,現在我達到我的願望了!在TLC,老師們熱心地教學,同時也會給予學生許多的鼓勵。由於英文聽力和口說是我最弱的項目,但是透過每天的課堂練習,我學會如何邊聽英文影片邊抓出重點做筆記,也能迅速地組織寫出影片的重點;在商業課程中,老師常常與我討論不同品牌、各國公司文化和經濟,除了練習我的口說之外,也加深了我對商業的認識。在這堂課中,我覺得最有趣的是撰寫商業計畫,從前對於自己未來的事業存在了許多想法,但當我需要將想法轉化成實際面時,我發現有許多的面向是需要仔細思考、分析像是目標對象、財務需求和行銷策略,這些讓我受益良多。因此,我相信在TLC所學到實用的課程對我未來讀國外研究所是有一定的幫助。



Before coming TLC, I wish I can learn English better and make new friends, now I make it! At the TLC, teachers are dedicated into teaching and give students lots of supports. In the classes, I learn how to take a note and paraphrase through video. Listening and speaking in English are my weakness but we practice those a lot, so my English skills are being improved. In addition to English skills, I also learn the business English. A teacher and I often discuss brands, company cultures in different cultures, and economic that enhances my business knowledge, and the most interesting is to do a business plan. I have lots of ideas for my future business but I never extend to a plan. As I plan, I realize that if you want to make your own business, lots of aspects should be considered such as target, financial need, or marketing. Therefore, what I learn from the TLC is so practical, I believe, that can bring real benefits for studying my master’s degree at the United States in the future.


Furthermore, I make lots of new friends from difficult countries at the TLC. Through exchange, I learn a basic greeting in Spanish from my Panama friends, I know the culture such as Ramadan from my friends in Saudi Arabia, and I understand the Angola business environment. Hence, I really obtain a wonderful experience at the Fort Wayne TLC. Thank Fort Wayne TLC for everything!


Emma『配合學校免遊學代辦費,專幫學生找便宜優質語校』且『所有費用都是直接繳給學校,不經手任何費用,過程公開透明』,比自己申請更有保障也更省費用喔~~ Emma首創以『行動辦公室』為概念由『顧問配合學生時間&地點』,有別於代辦中心固定上下班時間,提供客製化服務。另提供行程諮詢規劃、便宜機票訂購、抵校後續服務。 Emma聯絡方式 email: acestudio.emma@gmail.com; 手機: 0935-052-597,Line ID: emmachang628